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Competition CUS 2010

16th edition Architecture Award of the Urban Community of Strasbourg



"Wantzenau : a door for two hearts to conquer" 

Wantzenau, France


Turn the back referral station in red carpet of welcome to the heart of the CUS.
Identify and structure the new northern entrance to La Wantzenau.
Create and organize outreach by appropriate facilities in the area reserved for this purpose in the project eco-district.
Contest in collaboration with Maud Hoffsess (M1)


"Cultural crossing"

Wantzenau has an agricultural natural landscape, a quality which is important to preserve because of urban sprawl amplified by the many houses that are highly developed in this area. It is in this direction that we turn the project which aims to develop an eco-district area supplied by the redesign of existing facilities and the creation of cultural facilities, thus resulting in a real educational walk and relaxation.
Another problem also arises: the area of the Golf that is completely detached from the old town. It was necessary to maintain the continuity of the green between these two urban masses while finding a way to connect them. To do this, we set up along the road leading to the Golf a series of boxes where different educational workshops would take place in order to bring to people, especially school children, the importance of agriculture, nature, professional recycling such as gardeners, farmers or common artistic acting. We create a green connection of activities to preserve the natural landscape. These boxes are coupled to a bicycle path leading to eco-district. In order to achieve this idea of crossing, we had to find a way to get over the tracks of the railway and the departmental road in a safer way for pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles. Thus we have established a cultural facility bringing the city associations, neighbourhood house and childhood home, which also serves as a bridge over the highways. This equipment is placed on a base, a land abuts housing a shopping center and parking. This also marks the entry into the eco-district. We extended the path to the gravel whose we decided to preserve by redeveloping areas for walking and recreation (fitness trail, facilities for children, fishing areas and navigation ...). Moreover to fill the lack of class we created a new school near the sports area which benefits also an extension. The old school premises are restored in amphitheater with a cafeteria, meeting space and usability. Finally, to facilitate access and promote complementarity of transport, the train is coupled to a parking silo allowing direct entry from the roundabout and through secure channels.


Plans / Sections



​​© Copyright 2012 Designs by Evelyne Nguyen

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Evelyne, Nguyen, Architect, Architecte


Please contact me for more information.

Evelyne Nguyen Architect, Evelyne, Nguyen, Architect, Architecte

Evelyne Nguyen

Architect DE

+33 (0) 679 171 562

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